- When you get home remove the bandage and gently wash with warm water and anti bacterial soap. DO NOT REBANDAGE
- Wash your new tattoo 2-3 times daily for the first week. (Anti Bacterial Dial Soap)
- After each wash, carefully apply a thin coat of healing ointment. (Aquaphor)
- DO NOT over-medicate. Keep tattoo out of direct sunlight and tanning booths until tattoo is healed, at least 7-10 days.
- Do not soak tattoo in tub, sauna, jacuzzi, or go swimming while your new tattoo is healing. Showers are fine.
- Once dryness or peeling occurs, discontinue use of ointment and switch to a non-scented skin lotion after each wash (Lubriderm/Vaseline lotion).
- DO NOT soak your tattoo and DO NOT pick or scratch during healing. Loss of color, scabbing, and/ or infection could occur.
- Exterme sun and exposure over the years will fade your tattoo. This can be minimized by using a strong sunscreen , at least SP25.
- Your tattoo should heal in 2 weeks. Consult a physician if any signs or symptoms develop such as the following: redness at site, green/yellow discharge (foul smelling) and/ or fever.
-Thank you and enjoy your new tattoo!